THE SARA MINISTRY: Real Women. Real Life. Real God.cropped-cropped-cropped-blog-header-pic1.jpg
For ALL women of all ages and stages of life.

No matter where you’ve been or what you’re in . . .
“With God ALL things are possible!” —Matthew 19:26

Thank you for joining our journey through real life and truth. The mind, emotions, body, and spirit—like the parts of a flower—make the whole you and me. If one part suffers, so do the other three. Our challenges, joys, sorrows, adventures, disappointments, excitements . . . , our learning, giving, receiving, loving, forgiving . . .  shape us. And aren’t we a beautiful mess, like a wild flower garden? Here, at The Sara Ministry, we’ll tend to the soil of our hearts and minds with soul food, sunshine, blessed rain and, yes . . . , some weed pullin’. We weren’t meant to simply survive day to day, but fully blossom—THRIVE.

To stay connected, click the “Follow along” button on the right, and carry this truth deep in your heart:

Not a single thing or moment of your life is wasted.

We believe . . .
In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV).

Do you believe?

Follow along and see:  “With God ALL things are possible!” —Matthew 19:26


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